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Our Logo

The Oxford Cultural Arts Commission voted to revise our logo in the summer of 2018, and in in November 2018 voted on several design ideas presented to our commission.  


The final logo was designed by Kayla Ek a graphic artist from Oxford Connecticut.



Art certainly refers to the prolific artists hailing from our beautiful town, and a keystone event the Commission hosts is the Art in the Park event. Art also represents the artistry of the makers, including the baker, the carpenter, and the many growers of Oxford.



Music sets another cornerstone, but not just the musician or the enjoyment of music from our summers at the Cove, but the sounds of our community: storytelling, poetry reading, birds chirping and bees humming.



The tragedy and comedy masks represent theater, but also represent culture and roles we play in the community.  The Oxford Schools, particularly Oxford High Schools' Drama program is a budding place for future thespians.



The partnerships within the community are an important cornerstone of preserving and promoting the things about Oxford that make it special.  Everyone from the farmer, to the teacher, and all citizens create the fabric of Oxford.

Phone: Town Hall

203-888-2543 x:3889


© 2024 by Oxford Cultural Arts Commission

Find us:     

Oxford Cultural Arts Commission
Oxford Town Hall

486 Oxford Road
Oxford, CT 06478

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