The Oxford
Cultural Arts &
Crafts Fair is now
in its' 54th year!
Always held annually the first Saturday of November
WHO Artisans from Oxford and surrounding communities
WHAT Handmade Crafts
WHERE Former Oxford Center School (462 Oxford Rd)
WHEN Saturday November 1, 2025
TIME 10am-4pm
Application Instructions:
We have a great new web fillable form! You can use your web browser to fill it out, print it, and save it to your local drive so it can be sent via email to us, or you can also print it, fill it out and mail it to us!
1. Pay your vendor fee online here or prepare a check
2. Use our Online Application Form
3. Print, Save or Download the form so that you can email your application as an attachment or print and send it via postal service.
4. Make sure you include images of your work!
5. Feel free to include 1-2 paragraphs about your work for our advertising campaign. Write it in the third person perspective. If you do not, our staff will write something simple about your business and craft and you will still be advertised!
NOTE: Food Truck Vendors - The fee is a single vendor space and you can use the same payment methods. Use the same application form, and check off Food in the craft category. For the craft/wares description, please list FOOD TRUCK - along the types of food you sell. YOU MUST HAVE A CERTIFICATE from POMPERAUG HEALTH in order to participate! You will be assigned a location in our parking area suitable for a typical food truck. This is a rain or shine event, vendors and patrons will still purchase food in inclement weather. There are no refunds.
ACCEPTED VENDORS - View our Media Page
Visit our Facebook Event Page for latest news and information!
Pay Here

Indemnity Clause:
By applying to be a vendor and signing your application you agree that you have reviewed and accept this hold harmless agreement.
1. I agree to abide by the rules set forth by The Town of Oxford and the Oxford Cultural Arts Commission, its representatives and volunteers whether those rules are written or otherwise.
2. The venue is a public community frequented by children and families, please make sure your items are family friendly (no excessive violence or sexually explicit material). any items deemed inappropriate by the Oxford Cultural Arts Commission will not be accepted.
3. I agree that my setup and display will not damage the property of the Town of Oxford and I will leave the space in the condition in which I found it.
4. I agree to the use of my images only to promote OCAC and art programs in the future.
5. I agree to be responsible for my own safety and will hold harmless from liability the Town of Oxford and the Oxford Cultural Arts Commission, members, volunteers and as an entity for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to myself, others who assist or accompany me, or my property, from any cause whatsoever.
6. Oxford Cultural Arts is not your employer, you, being the vendor will carry any necessary insurances and hold harmless The Town of Oxford, and/or the Oxford Cultural Arts Commission, and/or appointed agent acting in their behalf, and/or the venue owner or operator from any: Theft, Loss, Extensive usage, Damage, Bodily Harm, Future loss of income, or future disabilities. You assume any applicable taxes on your earnings.
7. You will be responsible for your own accounting of sales and any collection of sales tax to be paid or tax issues that may come as a result of your participation.
8. By applying to the Oxford Cultural Arts Commission Annual Arts and Crafts Fair you agree to have read this document and by submitting the application you have agreed and consent to these parameters.
9. In the event of cancellation due to unforeseen circumstance, by either party, no fee will be paid to the vendor and no remuneration paid to the presenter.